AHIS 100

The Seven Years' War

Dr. Kane


Office Hrs: W 10:30-11:30 & F 11:30-12:30

Social Science 60S


September 30

French and Indian WarS

  • 1680-1750 -- entire lifetimes!
  • France is really scary!
  • don't start nothing won't be nothing

Opening Salvos

  • increasing global tension
  • Canada and New York key military, food, and processing centers for sugar plantation islands
  • first global war
  • first war to start in North America and spread elsewhere instead of vice versa

Ft Necessity, July 4 1754

Washington v Jacques de Saint-Pierre

Ft Dusquene / Braddock's Defeat, September 1755

Edward Braddock v Daniel Beaujeau

you had one job Loudon

Annus Mirabilis 1758-1759

  • small victories and big defeats:
    • Lake George, September 1755
    • Fort Beausejour, June 1755
    • Fort William Henry, August 1757
  • Jeffrey Amherst turns things around
    • French priorization of sugar colonies
    • French smallpox epidemic
    • successful British blockade
    • Fall 1758: British victory at Ft Dusquesne, Ft. Carillon and Louisbourg

Battle of the Plains of Abraham, September 1759

James Wolfe v Louis-Joseph de Montcalm

In 1760, what do British Americans think is going to happen as a result of the Conquest of Canada?

      A.Britain will tax the colonies pay for the war
      B.Britain will deport all the French Catholics, like they did the Acadians
      C.Britain will open all former French lands to British colonization
      D.Britain will incorporate all French Catholic Canadians as British citizens

Canada is a big big problem


  • the war was very expensive
  • Proclamation Line of 1763
  • Protestant, commercial, maritime and free
    • what to do with all the Catholics?
    • huge land empire
    • economically dependent on slavery
    • Quebec Act 1774
  • why does Parliament think this is ok to do?
    • "virtual representation"