AHIS 100

The US and the World

Dr. Kane


Office Hrs: W 10:30-11:30 & F 11:30-12:30

Social Science 60S


October 19

last week

  • internal political and economic issues settled, social issues not settled
  • expansion of US and relations with Indians
  • Shays' Rebellion and Whiskey Rebellion
  • French and Haitian Revolutions
  • a govt OF the people or BY the people?

today's class

  • internal & political - emerging sectionalism
  • external, political & economic - War of 1812
  • internal, social & economic - labor & infrastructure
  • internal, social & economic - slavery & industrialization

emerging sectionalism

    • diplomatic, social and trade ties to Great Britain
    • fearful of direct democracy
    • pro strong central federal government - Federalist
    • broad interpretation of federal powers in Constitution
    • prioritization of manufacturing and banking
    • diplomatic, social and trade ties to France
    • pro direct democracy - for whites only
    • anti strong central federal government - Republican
    • strict interpretation of federal powers in Constitution
    • protection of plantation slavery agriculture

Who won the War of 1812?

(full points no matter what answer)

      A. The US
      B. Britain
      C. Canada
      D. No one

War of 1812 - origins

  • Jay's Treaty 1794 - England get out
  • Britain outlaws slavery and slave trade 1808
  • impressment of American (British) sailors
  • Britain embargoes France, France embargoes Britain, US stuck in the middle
  • annexation of Canada - balance between slave and free states
  • American anxiety over Indians

course of the war

  • New England disappointments in Canada
  • 3/5ths compromise allows south to damage economy of North - British embargoes
  • Burning of Washington Augusts 1814 brings NE and NY to discuss secession and peace with Britain
  • Hartford Convention December 1814
  • Britain prioritizes war with France - America is small potatoes

Monroe Doctrine - 1823

  • Western hemisphere "sphere of interest"
  • end to North American colonization
  • future neutrality in European conflicts
  • foundation of all modern international policy

results of the war

  • 2nd American Revolution?
  • achievement of post-Revolution goals - British forts, trade neutrality and impressment
  • are there Americans in America?
  • US comes out of British shadow politically, diplomatically and economically

How did the Erie Canal and other transportation projects change US economic development?

(more than one right answer)

      A. They made it affordable for Northern farms to export agricultural products overseas and to the South
      B. They became a focal point of anger at the increasingly strong central federal government
      C. They allowed eastern factories to sell their goods to western farmers
      D. They leveled the economic and political disparities between the North and South
      E. They allowed white settlers to travel to and claim Indian lands west of the Appalachins

rise of wage labor

  • cotton gin makes cotton profitable
  • cotton processed in northern factories
  • Northern banks finance plantation slavery
  • Northern shipping firms transport products of slavery
  • US industrial development not possible without industrialization of slavery

ambivalence over abolition

  • influence of Second Great Awakening
  • international slave trade outlawed 1808
  • growing free black communities
  • fear of the successful Haitian Revolution
  • Northern anger over 3/5ths compromise and Southern power