AHIS 100

We the People?

Dr. Kane


Office Hrs: W 10:30-11:30 & F 11:30-12:30

Social Science 60S


October 14

where we left off Monday

  • fundamental tensions over land, labor and identity
  • Solution 1: Articles of Confederation
  • Solution 2: Constitution
  • tensions over passage of the Constitution

Economic Solutions or Economic Problems?

  • American default on British and French debts ruined credit
  • our friend Alexander Hamilton vs. Thomas Jefferson
  • is American identity attached to land or labor?
  • Bank of the United States secures the credit of the nation but goes beyond Constitutional powers
  • southern colonies on the hook for northern debts

why is everything happening in 1794?

  • internal political and economic issues settled, social issues not settled
  • Second Great Awakening
  • Iroquois peace treaty and Northwest Indian War
  • Whiskey Rebellion
  • French Reign of Terror
  • Haitian Revolution
  • emergence of political parties

Northwest Ordinance 1787

  • creation of new states
  • federal and not state purview
  • recognized Native title if peaceful and legalized erasure of Native title to their lands if resisted militarily
  • determined what the west was going to look like - no slavery
  • callback to Proclamation of 1763
  • 1794 Iroquois peace treaty

What did Shays' Rebellion (1786) and the Whiskey Rebellion (1794) have in common?

(more than one right answer)

      A. Both began with political protests like petitions before turning to armed resistance
      B. Both used the language of liberty and "no taxation without representation" of the American Revolution
      C. Both protested the strong federal government imposed by the new Constitution
      D. Both sought to overthrow the state or federal government
      E. Both resulted in greater American unity after the rebellions were suppressed
      Shays' Rebellion 1786
    • New England veteran tenant farmers default on debts to landowners
    • internal fear of strong state govt and state govt elected by property owners
    • state can't deal with this - contributes to collapse of Articles

      Whiskey Rebellion 1794
    • first federal tax - why whiskey?
    • regressive tax vs progressive tax
    • US Army deployed for the first time since Revolution

There Are No Americans in America - John Adams

  • What responsibility do Americans owe each other?
  • What kinds of resistance are permissible under the Constitution?
  • Who is "We the People"?
  • Is this a government OF the people or BY the people?

global revolutions

  • American Rev = legitimate bc restrained and civilized
  • French Rev = illegitimate bc erasure of social boundaries and inclusion of women
  • Haitian Rev = fear of a successful slave rebellion

Why did most Americans, including Washington, fear the development of political parties?

(discuss with a neighbor, more than one right answer)

      A. They feared that one party would seize power and dominate the central government
      B. They feared that minority political voices would be drowned out by the majority political parties
      C. They feared that formalizing political divisions would drive the new nation even further apart
      D. They feared the entry of unsuitable lower class men into party politics

Washington's Farewell Address

the party system

  • strict vs broad construction of Constitutional powers
  • John Adams - Alien and Sedition Acts - aimed at suppressing French influence
  • Jefferson - state's rights to nullification of federal law
  • 9th and 10th Amendments
  • 3/5ths clause crucial to election of Jefferson in 1800

Who is "We the People"?

  • What is the role of women politically, socially and religiously?
  • What financial and political responsibility do Americans owe each other?
  • What kinds of resistance are permissible under the Constitution?
  • What is the right of Native Americans and enslaved African-Americans to armed resistance? (none)
  • Is this a government OF the people or BY the people?