AHIS 100

Manifest Destiny

Dr. Kane


Office Hrs: W 10:30-11:30 & F 11:30-12:30

Social Science 60S


November 4

to recap

  • financial panics destabilize US from within
  • Americans seek out religious revivals as a way of asserting control through reform
  • Americans erase Indians as a way of asserting their own right to land


  • Friday reading - listen to the interview and compare maps
  • western migration
  • changing Indian policy
  • ecological change
  • Mexican-American War
  • Plains Indian Wars
  • land, labor and identity

why did Americans and new European immigrants feel pushed or pulled westward?

(more than one right answer)

      A. Economic panics left many unable to afford land east of the Mississippi
      B. Families who lost everything in earlier economic panics moved west in an attempt to escape their debts
      C. Claiming Indian land in the west allowed marginally white immigrant Catholics and Jews to claim a white American identity
      D. Many Americans believed that God had ordained the US as a moral force to perfect the world, beginning with the west
      E. The Monroe Doctrine called for the US to spread democracy across the western hemisphere

context for Removal

  • recognized as independent nations before Revolution
  • 1787 Northwest Ordinance - recognition of Indian title
  • 1789 Constitutional Commerce Clause
  • 1790 Nonintercourse Act - federal authority over land sales
  • 1794 Treaty of Canandaigua - conflict between state power and federal power

why the shift in Indian policy?

  • states rights states rights states rights - 9th & 10th Amendments
  • Constitutional Commerce Clause: "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes"
  • strict constructionist southerners
  • hardening racial lines - racial binary
  • land for plantation slavery

Mexican-American War 1845-1848

  • Mexico invites Anglo American settlers in order to claim Texas frontier from Americans and Native groups
  • Anglo Americans reject Mexico's abolition of slavery and Catholicism requirement
  • Americans illegal immigrants into Mexico!

why was the US reluctant to annex Texas as a state?

(more than one right answer)

      A. Annexing Texas would add another slave state, disturbing the balance in the Senate
      B. Americans feared that annexing Texas would lead to war with Mexico
      C. Americans feared that annexing Texas would lead to another economic panic
      D. Annexing Texas would mean recognizing citizenship for thousands of Mexicans and Natives, disturbing the white political majority

opposition and results

  • annexation of Texas added another large slave state
  • brought US into conflict with large and powerful Native groups
  • war of aggression and conquest seen as betrayal of American ideals
  • US agreed to recognize Mexican and Native landownership and citizenship (does not happen)

Orphan Train Scandal

  • who cares about orphans?
  • no modern welfare, foster system or adoption
  • Mariposa Arizona, 1860
  • 40 Irish Catholic orphans from NYC
  • are Catholics Americans? are Mexicans Americans?

why did the Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny come into conflict?

      A. the Monroe Doctrine was intended to prevent the spread of slavery beyond the original colonies; Manifest Destiny sought to expand it
      B. the Monroe Doctrine was intended to keep peace with Native groups; Manifest Destiny required their removal
      C. the Monroe Doctrine was intended to keep the US out of prolonged military conflicts; Manifest Destiny increasingly caused military conflicts
      D. the Monroe Doctrine was intended to maintain diplomatic ties with Britain; Manifest Destiny increased economic and social ties to France

land labor and identity

  • American financial growth based in expansion of slavery
  • expansion of slavery dependent on appropriation of Native lands
  • American white political identity defined in relation to slave labor and Indian land